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Poetry Reading: Virginia Smith

Thursday, September 26, 2024 7:00–8:00 PM
  • Location
    Bucknell Hall, 100 - Bucknell Hall
  • Description
    Poetry ReadingV.A. SmithThursday, September 26, 7pm, Bucknell HallVA Smith's work has appeared or is forthcoming in several anthologies and in dozens of literary journals, among them Southern Review, Calyx, Crab Creek Review, West Trade Review and Quartet. A frequent Pushcart and Best of the Net nominee, her first two books are Biking Through the Stone Age and American Daughters (Kelsay Books, 2022 and 2023). A former Liberal Arts Teaching Excellence awardee at Penn State University, and a Professor of Teaching in The Department of English, VA gigs now as a staff member at River Heron Review, writes, bikes, and home chefs. Learn more about Virginia's work at, or on Instagram and YouTube @vasmithpoetry.
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