Get to Know Your Bison Lingo
The Caf - Bostwick MarketplaceThe Commons - MacDonald Commons
The ELC - Elaine Langone Center
The ELC Mall - ground floor of the ELC, outside the Bison
Flyson - the Flying Bison food truck
The KLARC - the gym
The Lib - Bertrand Library
The Slabs - the stone balcony on Malesardi Quad, above Freas Hall
BSG - Bucknell Student Government, a group of elected student representatives from each class.
Bucknellian - A member of the Bucknell community.
Caf - Formally known as Bostwick Dining Room, Bucknell’s main cafeteria, located on the first floor of the LC. “Caf sitting” is hanging out in the Caf for long periods of time to study or socialize.
CAP Center - Campus Activities and Programs Office, a resource to all student organizations and Bucknellians looking to become more involved in campus activities. It also features a Campus Box office where you can pick up tickets for various events held at Bucknell. Located on the ground floor of the LC.
CCA - Center for Career Advancement, an office located in the Botany Building. The CCA provides resume and interview assistance, conducts job fairs, connects students with internships, offers guidance for graduate school planning, and continues to offer career support even after graduation.
ELC or LC - The Elaine Langone Center is the main student center on campus. This building is home to the student mailroom, the post office, various campus offices and most dining locations.
ENGR100 - Introductory course for all engineering students.
Foundation Seminar - A first-year course designed to introduce you to the academic expectations at Bucknell.
JF - Junior Fellow. A JF is an upperclass student who supports a specific residential college and lives in the hall to assist with the foundation seminar and coordinate group activities.
LGBTQ - Office of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans* and Queer Resources, located on the third floor of the Elaine Langone Center. This office is a resource for the on-campus LGBTQ community and ensures that members have the support to succeed academically.
L&IT - Library & Information Technology. A resource for students who need assistance with technology or academic research. Located on the ground floor of Bertrand Library.
MGMT101 - Introductory course for all management students.
MSS - Multicultural Student Services, located on the ground floor of the ELC. MSS supports students from racially underrepresented groups and provides cross-cultural learning opportunities for the entire campus community.
OA - An Orientation Assistant. OAs are older students who guide first-year and transfer students through Orientation and help you get acclimated to life at Bucknell.
RA - Resident Assistant. An RA lives in a residence hall and serves as a resource to the residents throughout the year.
TA - Teaching Assistant. A student assigned to a specific course as a professor’s assistant and a resource to other students enrolled in the course.
The Bison - Casual eatery located on the ground floor of the Langone Center.
7th Street Café - A 24-hour coffee shop located downhill where students hang out, study, or grab drinks and snacks to go.
WRC - Women’s Resource Center, located on the ground floor of the ELC. The WRC is a place of advocacy, support and safety for all members of the Bucknell community and seeks to foster a campus community in which women and men live and work in a climate of mutual respect, understanding and equality.
WVBU - Bucknell’s student radio station, located downhill in Stuck House.